Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Quite some time ago I stumbled over an interesting video called How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek.

Sinek presents The Golden Circle - his version of the "worlds simplest idea".
He explains it in quite some detail in the video so I won't give a review here now, but summed up our decision making (in buying products) is based on our believes and shows how business leaders can make use of it.

Shortly speaking buying certain products is much influenced upon our believes.
Seen this from the a company's point of view:
People do not buy what you do, but why you do it.

Sinek backs up his theory by giving examples why Apple is so successful in what they do. People seem to get excited with every product that has an i in its name.
Currently there are, beside Blackberry, two strong competitive products on the smart phone market: either you buy Apple or Android based smart phones.
In which company/products do you believe more?
Do you believe in innovative devices combined with cool design/lifestyle or do you believe in systems which provide freedom and diversity in using it?

Personally I believe that computer software shall be free and therefore I work as much as possible with open source software. I don't care about Windows and closed source products, even if they would make my daily work easier. I believe that software implicts freedom and vice versa.
Therefor I wouldn't buy a Apple products now and in the future if they won't change their policy any time soon.

Starting with 2010 there seems to be a hype about 3D television. Are you one of the few early adopters how have already such a device in your living room or are you still waiting so that the technology has time to mature and prove - shortly speaking are you a believer in 3D television or not?
Do you push the technology and invest money in it, because you believe 3D is the way to go, or are you skeptic like me?
If you have the freedom to choose you choose in what you believe.

Simon Sinek also wrote a book titled Start With Why. However, don't get me wrong, I do not want to get too excited about this guy and his ideas here, so I did not dig any further in his books. But there is definitely some truth in it.

A funny side-note to come to an end:
After this presentation got published on the net, the Mozilla team (the guys behind the Firefox browser) changed the headline on their page to:
We believe that the internet should be public, open and accessible.
And so do I.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wahlplakete der Gruenen 2010

Hatte man bis vor wenigen Tagen noch geglaubt, nur die FPOE hat es noetig mittels ihren Wahlplakaten die Wiener zu ueberzeugen, scheinen nun auch die Gruenen aus ihrem Dornroeschenschlaf erwacht zu sein, und haben ihr Wahlprogramm dementsprechend gestartet. Wurde auch Zeit, kann ja nicht sein, dass man nur mehr vom einem gewissen HC Strache und seiner Schurkenpartei hoert und liesst.

Anfangs war ich noch sehr gespannt auf die Version der Gruenen,wie sie glauben unsere schoene Hauptstadt noch attraktiver zu machen, da kommt mir jetzt eher ein kalter Schauer ueber meinen Ruecken, wenn ich an die bisherigen Wahlplakate denke.

Leider konnte man mit der ersten Welle an Plakaten nicht mehr falsch machen. Wieder wird mit utopischen Zahlen und zum Teil populistischen Versprechungen geworben, die sich auf einem Niveau bewegen, dass man so den Gruenen nicht zutrauen wuerde. Die Gruenen als Art Partei der Intellektuellen? Anscheinend ein Irrgedanke, wenn man sich die bisherige Wahlwerbung so ansieht.

Ich moechte jetzt auch nicht die einzelnen Punkte kommentieren, weil sie so und so fern von realitaetsnahen Diskussion stehen. Anscheinend ist der gruene Weg im Wahlkampf 2010, den einen oder anderen Trottel zu finden, der diesen Mist einen Glauben schenkt.

Eigentlich schade, viele potenzielle Gruenwaehler zu enttaueschen bzw. wahrscheinlich an andere Partein abzu"werben". Aber umsomehr darf man gespannt sein auf die Wahlergebnisse rund um den 10. Oktober.